"Since 2002 the Nakba Archive has recorded filmed interviews with first generation Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon about the events of 1948. While the project has centered its work in the twelve official United Nations Relief and Works Administration (UNRWA) camps around the country, it has also conducted interviews and research within unregistered refugee “gatherings,” and with middle class and elite Palestinians living in urban centers around Lebanon. Between December 2002 and September 2005 a team of local and international researchers and scholars, have created a unique archive of approximately 500 video testimonies with refugees from over 130 villages. The collection consists of around 1,000 hours of filmed testimony."
Como Nadia Yaqub comentaba en su artículo "Arts Under Occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip", que hemos leído para la asignatura, mantener la memoria de los que ya no están o de los que vivieron una realidad borrada por la ocupación israelí es esencial para que la identidad palestina se siga manteniendo. El Nakba Archive es una iniciativa excepcional en este sentido.