Damascus University: The largest and oldest university in Syria. Founded in 1923 from the merger of the School of Medicine (established 1909) and the Institute of Law (established 1913). Later, other faculties were added to the university and it witnessed major improvements after the Syrian independence in 1946. The university used to carry the official name of the 'Syrian University' until 1958 when the University of Aleppo was founded, so the name changed into 'Damascus University'. Today the university consists of 14 faculties of literature and human sciences, education, economics, law, agriculture, Islamic Sahria'a, pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, civil engineering, fine arts, architecture, mechanic engineering, and the Higher Institute of Administrative Development. Also affiliated with the university are 7 intermediate institutes and the School of Nursing. Damascus university, along with its sister universities in Aleppo, Homs and Lattakia is one of the fewest places in the world where all scientific materials are taught in Arabic.
Otra institución importante en la enseñanza de las ciencias en el mundo árabe, que además tiene la particularidad de ser mixta en un país como Arabia Saudí, que ha impuesto la separación por sexos en tantos otros ámbitos, es la King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST). De ella di cuenta en otro post, al que podéis acceder a través del siguiente enlace: http://maic-cultura.blogspot.com/2009/11/arabia-saudi-ya-tiene-su-primera.html.